What Causes Snoring?


Snoring has long been a common punchline in sitcoms and movies; the scene is familiar; one spouse is snoring loudly, while the other stares at the ceiling, eyes wide open and visibly agitated. For those who suffer from nighttime snoring, the issue is far from humorous.

Snoring is not always benign; instead, it can be a symptom of an underlying problem. Snoring has many causes, including poor sleep positioning. However, sleep apnea also causes snoring, and this condition can be dangerous.

Why Do People Snore?

Individuals who snore are not always aware they are snoring. Those who sleep near them, though, understand the impact of the issue. The snorer might not always feel tired the next day, but those who are kept awake for the loud sounds likely did not enjoy a restful sleep

Individuals snore because of a blockage related to the airway. A cold or virus often causes inflammation and obstruction, and positioning also could slightly compress the airway resulting in the telltale sawing snore noise. The Mayo Clinic also explains that a lax tongue or palate also might slightly block the airway. Some individuals have thicker membranes in the back of their throat, and others might suffer from a cold or other virus that inflames the tonsils and causes them to snore.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

An obstruction of the airway can be a short-term issue, or it can be persistent. A chronic obstruction is typically diagnosed as sleep apnea. Unfortunately, chronic obstructions result in long-term symptoms; snoring will not go away. In addition, the individual can experience additional issues related to snoring / sleep apnea; the lack of sleep at night results in daytime drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, and other issues, too. In some cases, though, sleep apnea can be life-threatening.

Snoring treatments at The TMJ and Sleep Centre of St. Louis

Is All Snoring Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is an obstruction of the airway; snoring is one of the most common symptoms. Is all snoring sleep apnea, though?

Snoring can be transient; it can be caused by an upper respiratory infection that inflames the tonsils or adenoids. Snoring also can be caused by improper sleep positioning.

Snoring can resolve on its own. However, snoring caused by long-term obstructive sleep apnea does not just go away.

Home Remedies for Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Self-diagnosing and treating any medical issue can be problematic. Individuals who snore might try to remedy their situation using DIY methods. They might try to use a different pillow, sleep in a new position, or even consult the influences on TikTok.

For those who are diagnosed with sleep apnea, home remedies are not an effective solution. They could provide temporary relief, but these remedies do not treat the underlying obstruction.

Sleep Apnea Snoring devices and treatments at The TMJ and Sleep Centre of St. Louis

Sleep Apnea and Snoring Devices

How is sleep apnea snoring remediated? Sufferers must remember that snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea. Doctors treat sleep apnea, and once the condition is treated, the snoring stops.

At the TMJ and Sleep Therapy Centre of St. Louis, Dr. Frith specializes in treating and remediating sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Some patients might need to make lifestyle changes to remediate sleep apnea; in som

e cases, Dr. Frith can recommend a sleep study (and a physician who can administer this type of study). Other patients could require treatment from an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist.

Patients with excessive tissue in the back of their throat might be a candidate for NightLase therapy. Dr. Frith administers this therapy in the office; it’s minimally invasive, but multiple treatments are necessary. NightLase uses lasers to shrink the excessive tissue obstructing the airway; for some individuals, this treatment could resolve snoring (and their sleep apnea).

In some cases, sleep apnea requires a specialized machine called a CPAP (continuous positive air pressure). This device ensures the airway is open; it is used throughout the night and improves sleep.

Health Problems Due to Sleep Apnea

Untreated sleep apnea interferes with sleep and leads to other health issues, too. Individuals can suffer from headaches, sleepiness, and have trouble focusing on tasks. Sleep apnea leads to more severe symptoms in some cases; according to Johns Hopkins, sleep apnea is linked to risk of heart attack, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Sleep apnea should not go untreated. Individuals who are concerned that they might suffer from sleep apnea can schedule a consultation with Dr. Frith at the TMJ and Sleep Therapy Centre of St. Louis.


Written by TMJ Sleep Therapy Centre of St. Louis

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